Thursday, March 15, 2007

Arizona Cardinals Acquire Cisco in Free Agency :)

Well, you need to follow football ( NFL) to know what I am talking about. If not, learn more about Free Agency here.

Though Arizona has been pretty mediocre in the league they have one of the most sophisticated stadiums. They have achieved that by installing Cisco’s Unified Communications system to build an immediately scalable, flexible, and cost-effective network.(Btw, Cisco is already financing the ‘Cisco Stadium’ for the Oakland A’s . Looks like Cisco has found a new vertical. Sports!!!)

The Arizona Cardinals stadium was ranked among the 10 most impressive sports structures by Business Week, the only building in the United States to earn that distinction. The six-level, 1.7 million square foot stadium includes wireless network access from every seat for fans allowing them to play fantasy football, order food and beverages, access the internet and much more.Other features include seamless voice, data, and video for facilitating Cardinal team-member communications and real-time, simultaneous training sessions from both the stadium and training facility.
Man, if only this had been available in Eagles’ and 49ers stadiums TO would have been able to communicate better with Donovan Mcnabb and Jeff Garcia

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